Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Basement brick foundation, dirt floor, and sill.
Keyword: Morse House
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3 Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Basement brick foundation, dirt floor, and sill. Studs and sheathing to left, with door frame to right.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Corner of basement, showing intersection of brick foundation, sill, studs, and sheathing. Test pit is in foreground, with id plaque.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Corner of basement, showing intersection of brick foundation, sill, studs, and sheathing. Test pit is in foreground, with id plaque.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Brick foundation of Morse house, with floor, sill, and studs.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Intersection of brick foundation, sill, studs, and sheathing.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Intersection of brick foundation, sill, studs, and sheathing.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Stud, sill, and sheathing of interior wall.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Brick foundation, floor, sill, studs, and sheathing.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Brick foundation and basement floor.