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Note that our photos are of the Lincoln Home and the surrounding neighborhood, not of Lincoln.


Page 6 of 30,749 results






Halloween 2024

Cars from the Car Cruisers Club get ready to hand out candy for the Halloween Event.

Halloween 2024

Trick or treaters get ready for the Halloween Event near the intersection.

Halloween 2024

Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "Indian Knoll Pumpkins" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.

Halloween 2024

Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "J. Williams and Carole Roberts" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.

Halloween 2024

Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "Just Beds" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.

Halloween 2024

Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "Pawnee Lumber and Hardware" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.

Halloween 2024

Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "Alpha Controls" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.

Halloween 2024

Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "George Alarm" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.

Halloween 2024

Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "Obed and Isaac's" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.

Halloween 2024

Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "Mr. Lincoln INC" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.

Halloween 2024

Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "Illinois Association of Realtors" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.

Halloween 2024

The fence that runs along the Burch Lot holds ghosts with all of the donors for the event.