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Note that our photos are of the Lincoln Home and the surrounding neighborhood, not of Lincoln.


Page 3 of 30,614 results






Demolition of the non-historic basement-level north entrance to the Lincoln Home mechanical room/basement. The former doorway is filled with cinderblock, while the stairs and retaining wall are in the process of demolition. Photographer facing south west.

Demolition of the non-historic basement-level north entrance to the Lincoln Home mechanical room/basement. The former doorway is filled with cinderblock, while the stairs and retaining wall are in the process of demolition. Photographer facing south west.

Demolition of the non-historic basement-level north entrance to the Lincoln Home mechanical room/basement. The former doorway is filled with cinderblock, while the stairs and retaining wall are in the process of demolition. Photographer facing south.

Demolition of the non-historic basement-level north entrance to the Lincoln Home mechanical room/basement. The former doorway is filled with cinderblock, while the stairs and retaining wall are in the process of demolition. Photographer facing south.