A Union Army reenactor group bearing US and regimental flags stand in formation in front of the Lincoln Home during reopening ceremony. Visitors and attendees stand, watching, along with a single ranger, in front of their chairs along Eighth Street. A speakers podium can be seen to the far right of the photo. Photographer facing north.

A Union Army reenactor group bearing US and regimental flags stand in formation in front of the Lincoln Home during reopening ceremony. Visitors and attendees stand, watching, along with a single ranger, in front of their chairs along Eighth Street. A speakers podium can be seen to the far right of the photo. Photographer facing…

The excavated front (west) yard of the Lincoln Home. The west retaining wall can be seen to the right of the image, with a support footing for the front steps of the Lincoln Home in the foreground, left. Note the plastic water protection for the foundation. The Cook house can be seen in the background, along with a single ranger.

The excavated front (west) yard of the Lincoln Home. The west retaining wall can be seen to the right of the image, with a support footing for the front steps of the Lincoln Home in the foreground, left. Note the plastic water protection for the foundation. The Cook house can be seen in the background,…

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