Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B3F26P12

Two workers building fencing along the north line of the Lincoln Home lot. Lincoln Home in background, left; Corneau house (pre-move) in the background, center-left. Photographer facing northwest.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B3F26P10

Three workers building fencing along the north line of the Lincoln Home lot. Lincoln Home in background, left; Corneau house (pre-move) in the background, center. Photographer facing northwest.

Lincoln Home B5F33P9

Child walking by a section of bunting on the south west corner of the Lincoln Home retaining wall. Chairs visible in background for restoration ceremony. Photographer facing north west.

Lincoln Home B5F33P4

Focus on a section of bunting on the south west conrner of the Lincoln Home retaining wall. Chairs visible in the background. Photographer facing north west.

Press Conference B5F33P220

A Union Army reenactor group bearing US and regimental flags stand in formation in front of the Lincoln Home during reopening ceremony. Visitors and attendees stand, watching, along with a single ranger, in front of their chairs along Eighth Street. A speakers podium can be seen to the far right of the photo. Photographer facing…

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B4F40P178

The excavated front (west) yard of the Lincoln Home. The west retaining wall can be seen to the right of the image, with a support footing for the front steps of the Lincoln Home in the foreground, left. Note the plastic water protection for the foundation. The Cook house can be seen in the background,…

Lincoln Home Reopening Ceremony B5F33P5

A view of red, white, and blue bunting hanging on the south retaining wall of the Lincoln Home prior to the reopening ceremony for the Lincoln Home. Photographer facing west.

Lincoln Home Restoration B4F42P67

View of main (western) stairwell in front hall of the Lincoln Home, during Restoration. Original steps, risers, and plaster visible. Underside of stairwell, with lath, visible to top left of photograph. Original handrail is wrapped for protection. Note stain on stairwell, showing one-time presence of runner carpeting. Photographer facing east.

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