Lincoln Home front (West) elevation with visitors gathering with ranger on far right. Windows open on both floors. Ranger Ruth Ketchum (?) gathers visitors. Arnold House visible in far background right. Ranger visible at open front door bending down to put something in small trash barrel by front door (?) Looking East/Southeast from second floor of Dean House (Block 7, Lot 11-12) Lincoln Home, visitors, staff, Arnold, 8th

Lincoln Home front (West) elevation with visitors gathering with ranger on far right. Windows open on both floors. Ranger Ruth Ketchum (?) gathers visitors. Arnold House visible in far background right. Ranger visible at open front door bending down to put something in small trash barrel by front door (?) Looking East/Southeast from second floor of Dean House (Block 7, Lot 11-12) Lincoln Home, visitors, staff, Arnold, 8th
Lincoln Home - Front of Lincoln Home, Outside
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b/w photo negative
Original Scanned Image Size:
1.44 x 0.99 inches
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