More Photos from Lincoln Home - North Fence

Accessibility B6F19P107

A wheelchair standing in the gateway between the Lincoln and Carrigan lots, near the privy on the north east end of the Lincoln Home lot. B 2 building stands in the background. Photographer facing north east.

Lincoln Home Restoration B4F6P389

Lincoln Home employee replacing or removing water line along south fence of Carrigan lot/Carrigan side of north Lincoln Home fence. Photographer facing west.

Archeology B4F42P156

Archeology prior to the 1987 Lincoln Home Restoration. Two archeologists work on a test pit located along the north west corner of the Lincoln Home, north side. Photographer facing west.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B3F26P15

Two workers building fencing along the north line of the Lincoln Home lot. Lincoln Home in background, left; Corneau house (pre-move) in the background, center. Photographer facing northwest.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B3F26P12

Two workers building fencing along the north line of the Lincoln Home lot. Lincoln Home in background, left; Corneau house (pre-move) in the background, center-left. Photographer facing northwest.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B3F26P10

Three workers building fencing along the north line of the Lincoln Home lot. Lincoln Home in background, left; Corneau house (pre-move) in the background, center. Photographer facing northwest.

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