Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Intersection of brick foundation, sill, studs, and sheathing.
Keyword: Sill
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Stud, sill, and sheathing of interior wall.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Brick foundation, floor, sill, studs, and sheathing.
Wooden sill beam on the Lincoln Home foundation.
Morse - restoration, modern sill beam removed. Originally located in Southeast corner of house affiliated with an enclosed porch. Came off corner seen directly behind sill-black construction paper and V-shaped cross beams is back wall of open porch. Maintenance worker Eric Turner? visible on remains of modern porch. Contractors chat on left. Conference Center visible…
Morse - restoration, modern porch sill removed. Originally located on the Southeast corner of the house associated with an enclosed porch. Un-restored Morse House in background left. Maintenance worker Eric Turner? working on remains of porch. City parking garage in background center. Looking Northwest from Morse Lot (Block 10, Lots 15-16) Morse, Restoration, parking garage,…
Window Sill Lincoln, Home, Restoration, window, sill
Lincoln Home NHS- Christmas in Lincoln Neighborhood Looking south west, Christmas decor on exterior window sills of Beedle home. Detail. Christmas, neighborhood, decor, detail, window, sill, Beedle
Morse - restoration. Maintenance workers Eric Turner and Sam Blasingame point out Mortise and tenon joint on corner sill beam. Looking Northwest from Morse Lot (Block 10, Lots 15-16) Morse, restoration, sill, staff