Accessibility B6F18P228

View from Lincoln home 2nd floor hallway of staff member giving speech to small crowd in back yard of Lincoln Home. Photographer facing east.

Flagpole B6F15P2

The Lincoln Home flagpole, under repair. The Lincoln Home chimneys and roof can be seen at the the bottom left corner and edge of the photo. Power lines off to right of image. Photographer facing north east.

Flagpole B6F15P1

The Lincoln Home flagpole, under repair. Power and phone lines in foreground. The Lincoln Home can be seen at the the bottom of the photo. Photographer facing north east.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B6F43P27

Superintendent Gentry Davis near the Lincoln Home pantry giving a tour to a VIP group after the Restoration of the Lincoln Home. The Corneau House and Conference Center appear in the background. Photographer facing north.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B6F43P22

Superintendent Gentry Davis and LIHO Historian George Painter near the Lincoln Home pantry giving a tour to a VIP group after the Restoration of the Lincoln Home. The Corneau House appears in the background. Photographer facing north west.

Costumed Interpretation B6F41P14

Visitors, Park Ranger Judy Winkelman in costume, and Charlie Ott as Lincoln. Two uniformed park rangers in background right. Gathering in front of Lincoln Home on brick paving. Photographer facing northwest.

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