Corneau - restoration, scaffolding installed on South and West elevations. Temporary restroom building in foreground left. Sprigg House on right on other side of fence. Looking East from Corneau Lot (Block 6, Lot 16) Corneau, restoration, scaffolding, temporary, restroom, Sprigg

Corneau - restoration, scaffolding installed on South and West elevations. Temporary restroom building in foreground left. Sprigg House on right on other side of fence. Looking East from Corneau Lot (Block 6, Lot 16) Corneau, restoration, scaffolding, temporary, restroom, Sprigg
, Outside
January 12, 2000
Original Media:
b/w print
Original Scanned Image Size:
5.77 x 4.01 inches
Image ID:

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