LIHO hosts a ribbon cutting for a new exhibit opened in the Corneau House. This exhibit was in partnership with the Lincoln Presidential Foundation. Senator Dick Durbin, LIHO Chief of Interpretation, Tim Townsend and Archologist Floyd Mansburger greet one another.
LIHO hosts a ribbon cutting for a new exhibit opened in the Corneau House. This exhibit was in partnership with the Lincoln Presidential Foundation. Senator Dick Durbin and Mrs. Loretta Durbin greet guests with Chief of Staff for his Springfield Office, Kaylee Gholson, looks on.
LIHO hosts a ribbon cutting for a new exhibit opened in the Corneau House. This exhibit was in partnership with the Lincoln Presidential Foundation. LIHO Superintendent, Tim Good and Lincoln Presidential Foundation Director of Development, Phyllis Evans welcome guests including, Senator Dick Durbin and Mrs. Loretta Durbin to the ribbon cutting festivities.
LIHO hosts a ribbon cutting for a new exhibit opened in the Corneau House. This exhibit was in partnership with the Lincoln Presidential Foundation. LIHO Superintendent, Tim Good and Lincoln Presidential Foundation Director of Development, Phyllis Evans welcome guests to the ribbon cutting festivities.
LIHO hosts a ribbon cutting for a new exhibit opened in the Corneau House. This exhibit was in partnership with the Lincoln Presidential Foundation. LIHO Chief of Interpretation, Tim Townsend, Archologist, Floyd Mansburger, and Sue Massie greet one another at the ribbon cutting.
LIHO hosts a ribbon cutting for a new exhibit opened in the Corneau House. This exhibit was in partnership with the Lincoln Presidential Foundation. Lincoln Presidential Foundation Operating Officer, Rene Brethorst, welcomes community members with light refreshments.
LIHO hosts a ribbon cutting for a new exhibit opened in the Corneau House. This exhibit was in partnership with the Lincoln Presidential Foundation. LIHO Superintendent, Tim Good and Director of Development for the Lincoln Presidential Foundation, Phyllis Evans talk with community members.
LIHO hosts a ribbon cutting for a new exhibit opened in the Corneau House. This exhibit was in partnership with the Lincoln Presidential Foundation. Community members gather to celebrate the ribbon cutting- Kathryn Harris, Ron Keller and Kent Massie.
LIHO hosts a ribbon cutting for a new exhibit opened in the Corneau House. This exhibit was in partnership with the Lincoln Presidential Foundation. LIHO Park Superintendent, Tim Good talks with guests to the ribbon cutting, including Lincoln Presidential Foundation President Erin Carlson Mast.
LIHO hosts a ribbon cutting for a new exhibit opened in the Corneau House. This exhibit was in partnership with the Lincoln Presidential Foundation. LIHO Park Superintendent, Tim Good talks with Sue Massie.
LIHO hosts an art contest for students K-12 to celebrate Black History Month in February 2023. Art was on display for the month is the Visitor Center for visitors to see and enjoy!
LIHO hosts an art contest for students K-12 to celebrate Black History Month in February 2023. Art was on display for the month is the Visitor Center for visitors to see and enjoy!