Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B7F7P64

South face of Lincoln Home retaining wall and section of south yard during the 1987-1988 Restoration. A section of the foundation, boardwalk, and Eighth Street can be seen. Photographer facing west.

Boardwalks B4F6P532

A section of boardwalk, along Eighth Street north of Jackson, being replaced. The Sprigg house, pre-restoration, appears in the background. Photographer facing south.

Interpretation B6F3P8

1st tour group ready to tour the Lincoln Home after the 1987-88 Restoration - June 14, 1988. Four staff members in photo, including Richard Lusardi in lower left corner. Photographer facing west, from Lincoln Home front stairs.

Grounds B6F31P4

Elm tree replacement - Pleasant Nursery staff removing tree while City Arborist Mike Dirksen (in green jacket behind removal equipment) oversees. Lincoln Home on right. Conference Center in background center. Photographer facing north from northeast corner of 8th and Jackson Street intersection.

Roads B6F25P13

Close-up of gravel on Eighth Street, near Lincoln Home curb. Photographer facing north east.

Tree Removal B6F10P1

Two staff mambers remove a fallen tree near the Lincoln Home, on the brick plaza along Eighth Street. Photographer facing north east.

Press Conference B5F33P220

A Union Army reenactor group bearing US and regimental flags stand in formation in front of the Lincoln Home during reopening ceremony. Visitors and attendees stand, watching, along with a single ranger, in front of their chairs along Eighth Street. A speakers podium can be seen to the far right of the photo. Photographer facing…

Costumed Interpretation B5F32P27

Visitors wait for a tour of the Lincoln Home, while speaking with a costumed reenactor. The restored Lincoln Home west fence appears on the right of the photo. Photographer facing north.

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