Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B7F7P59

Demolition of the non-historic basement-level north entrance to the Lincoln Home mechanical room/basement. The former doorway is filled with cinderblock, while the stairs and retaining wall are in the process of demolition. Photographer facing south west.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B7F7P58

Demolition of the non-historic basement-level north entrance to the Lincoln Home mechanical room/basement. The former doorway is filled with cinderblock, while the stairs and retaining wall are in the process of demolition. Photographer facing south.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B7F7P51

Two ladders in a trench alongside an exposed section of the Lincoln Home foundation during the 1987-1988 restoration. A single worker is standing on a platform supported by the two ladders. The west entrance to the Lincoln Home can be seen at top.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B7F7P39

Trench on the west side of the Lincoln Home during the 1987-1988 restoration. The interior of the west retaining wall can be seen to the left of the picture. The 90 degree turn of the wall to form the north section of the retaining wall can be seen in the middle of the picture. There…

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