NA Museum storage-Curatorial Storage Renovation, #28 storage, renovation, furnishings
Topic: Storage
Visitor Center - remodeling, main area with bookstore area in background. Restroom arches on left. Bookstore storage area visible on center left. Open door to boiler room in background center behind ladder. Office area visible through open door on right. Looking East from main area Visitor Center, remodeling, bookstore, boiler room, office, main, restroom, storage
Visitor Center - remodeling, bookstore area and framing for storeís storage. Restroom archway on left. Looking Northwest from bookstore area. Visitor Center, remodeling, bookstore, storage, restroom
NA Lincoln Home NHS- Visitor Center, Eastern National LIHO Sales Area Visitor Center, storage
NA Lincoln Home NHS- Visitor Center, Eastern National LIHO Sales Area Visitor Center, storage, books
NA Lincoln Home NHS- Visitor Center, Eastern National LIHO Sales Area Visitor Center, storage, books
NA Lincoln Home NHS- Visitor Center, Eastern National LIHO Sales Area Visitor Center, storage
conference center Lincoln Home NHS- Conference Center, 26 conference center, storage
Storage area LIHO NHS, Carriage House, HS1B Roll 1999-1 exp 24 Carriage House, storage
Storage area LIHO NHS, Carriage House, HS1B Roll 1999-1 exp 23 Carriage House, storage
Storage area LIHO NHS, Carriage House, HS1B Roll 1999-1 exp 20 Carriage House, storage