Volunteers, DJ French and Shannon Brown, hand out candy in front of the Beedle House.
Topic: Special Events
Volunteers, DJ French and Shannon Brown, hand out candy in front of the Beedle House.
Volunteers, DJ French and Shannon Brown, hand out candy in front of the Beedle House.
Volunteers, Ella Shin and Kate Lovin, hand out candy in front of the Lyon House.
Volunteers, Tara and Amara Keading, hand out candy in front of the Dean House.
Mr. Lincoln, played by Randy Duncan, hands candy to some trick or treaters. Volunteer Lorna Shuman assists in cueing visitors in line to greet Mr. Lincoln.
Mr. Lincoln, played by Randy Duncan, hands candy to some trick or treaters. Volunteer Lorna Shuman assists in cueing visitors in line to greet Mr. Lincoln.
The photo station is set up at 8th and Jackson Street for trick or treaters to enjoy.
Park Ranger, Linsey Hughes and Volunteer Karey Olson meet in at the intersection of 8th and Jackson.
Trick or treating begins at 8th and Jackson Street.