Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Basement sill, studs, and sheathing. Stud has been damaged by termite or other insect activity.
Topic: Maintenance
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Corner of basement, showing intersection of brick foundation, sill, studs, and sheathing.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Brick stair leading into house. Porch header with void in background. Door frame in far left of picture. Hole in foundation, with conduit, in foreground.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Brick stair leading into house. Porch sill with void to right of picture. Door frame, with foundation header, in left and middle of picture. Hole in foundation, with conduit, in foreground.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Basement brick foundation, dirt floor, and sill.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3 Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Basement brick foundation, dirt floor, and sill. Studs and sheathing to left, with door frame to right.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Corner of basement, showing intersection of brick foundation, sill, studs, and sheathing. Test pit is in foreground, with id plaque.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Corner of basement, showing intersection of brick foundation, sill, studs, and sheathing. Test pit is in foreground, with id plaque.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Brick foundation of Morse house, with floor, sill, and studs.
Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Intersection of brick foundation, sill, studs, and sheathing.