Bullnose roofing in the Morse House attic. Photographer facing north.
Topic: Maintenance
West wall chimney frame in the attic of the Morse House. Photographer facing west.
Interior of the Morse House attic. Photographer facing south.
Detail view of the bullnose roof in the Morse House attic. Photographer facing north.
Detail view of the bullnose roof in the Morse House attic. Photographer facing north.
View of some of the interior roofing supports in the Morse House attic. Photographer facing north.
Detail view of a section of the bullnose roof in the Morse House attic. Photographer facing west. A further extension of the attic can be seen in the background, along with roof supports and a chimney.
Stuve House, first floor, Room 102, east wall with entrance door open. Photographer facing east.
Stuve House, first floor, Room 102, east wall and entrance, with door closed. Photographer facing east.
Stuve House, first floor, Room 102, north wall, center section detail. Photographer facing north.