Volunteer Nancy Cooley and Community Volunteer Ambassador, Karey Olson, stand in front of the Cook House handing out candy. There is an inflatable decoration and banner on the door.
Topic: Community Events
Seasonal Park Guide, Sergio Vlahovich hands candy to a trick or treater in front of the Arnold House.
Living History Interpreter, Pam Brown, dressed as Mrs. Lincoln stands in front of the Lincoln Home with Volunteer Lorna Shuman. Park Ranger Isaih Frater is on the southside of the Lincoln Home. In the foreground, there is a recreation of Jameson Jekins Wagon with fall decorations around it. The Banner for the Halloween event is…
Living History Interpreter, Pam Brown, dressed as Mrs. Lincoln stands in front of the Lincoln Home with Park Ranger Isaiah Frater and Volunteer Lorna Shuman.
Living History Interpreter, Pam Brown, dressed as Mrs. Lincoln stands in front of the Lincoln Home with Park Ranger Isaiah Frater and Volunteer Lorna Shuman. The Arnold House is visible in the background. Parts of the Cook and Robinson House are also visible. The park Law Enforcement vehicle is also visible.
view looking Southwest on 8th street. The Dean and Lyon Houses are visible. There are many children dressed in costumes and several of the cars from Car Cruisers are visible.
The staff of Looking for Lincoln dressed in costumes handing out candy in front of the park Conference Center.
A line of children across 8th street waiting to get candy from the staff of Looking for Lincoln at the park Conference Center.
Living History Volunteers, Dorothy Selinger and Linda Cox hand candy out to children dressed in costumes in front of the Beedle House. There are inflatble decorations on the Northside and in front of the Beedle House, as well as a banner with a pumpkin on the door.
Living History Volunteers, Stephanie Thomas and Mary Dissler and Volunteer Matthew Scrivano stand outside the Lyon House waiting to hand out candy to the Trick or Treaters.