A pumpkin, dressed as Mr. Lincoln, in front of the Corneau House.
Topic: Community Events
Volunteers pose in front of the Corneau House, ready to hand out candy.
Volunteers hand out candy to trick or treaters in front of the Sprigg House.
Halloween decorations in in front of the Sprigg House.
Volunteers stand in front of the Miller House to hand out candy.
Tombstone decorations in between the DuBois and Miller Houses.
Lincoln Home Maintenace staff member, Gary Knapp, hands candy to trick or treaters in front of the DuBois House. Brad Duke, Joe Landes, Marcus McCollister, and Evan Turner along with volunteer, Penny Burnham, are ready to hand out even more candy.
Staff of Senator Dick Durbin hand out candy in front of the Shutt House. Park Superintendent Tim Good and Chief Law Enforcment Ranger, Rodney Naylor are in the foreground.
Staff of the Lincoln Presidential Foundation hand out candy in front of the Robinson House.
Park Ranger Linsey Hughes and Volunteer Jershawn Casimir help a child dressed in a costume play the game "Graces" in the Jenkins Lot.