Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "Alpha Controls" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.
Topic: Community Events
Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "George Alarm" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.
Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "Obed and Isaac's" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.
Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "Mr. Lincoln INC" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.
Wooden ghost-shaped cut-out hanging on the white board fence along Jackson Street holding the name of a sponsor for the event. The sponsor is "Illinois Association of Realtors" In the background several trees with changing leaves are visible as well as the barn for the Dean House.
The fence that runs along the Burch Lot holds ghosts with all of the donors for the event.
A group of trick or treaters waits outside the Visitor Center for the Halloween Event to start. Hay bales, pumpkins and a scarecrow are greeting visitors as they arrive in the park.
Welcome sign for the Halloween Event reads "Welcome Trick or Treaters."
Pumpkins sitting on the Visitor Center Parking lot wall. Lots of fall colors on the trees.
The welcome sign to the Halloween Event reads "Welcome Trick or Treaters."