Charlie Ott in costume, portraying Abraham Lincoln. Larry Blake NPS Uniform.
Judy Winkelman in costume, Larry Blake in NPS Uniform, and Charlie Ott portraying Lincoln.
NA 3131931 Maintenance, Signs
NA 3131931 Maintenance, Signs
Construction, 8th and Jackson Sts., Sidewalk and Street Construction, Sidewalk, Street
NA PrintFile: Wheelchair Walkway Wheelchair, Handicap, Handicap Access
NA PrintFile: Wheelchair Walkway Wheelchair, Handicap, Handicap Access
NA PrintFile: Wheelchair Walkway Wheelchair, Handicap, Handicap Access
NA PrintFile: Wheelchair Walkway Wheelchair, Handicap, Handicap Access
NA PrintFile: Duplicates Frame#27 Handicap, Handicap Access, Handrail, Ramp, Wheelchair
NA PrintFile: Duplicates Frame#27 Handicap, Handicap Access, Handrail, Ramp, Wheelchair