LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Kitchen- North and East walls.
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Hired Girl's Room- West, North and East walls.
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Boy's Room- East, South and West walls.
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Mrs. Lincoln's bedroom-South wall- wardrobe
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Mrs. Lincoln's bedroom-North and east walls- fireplace/stove
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Lincoln's Bedroom-North and east walls- fireplace
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Lincoln's Bedroom-East and North walls- Desk
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. 2nd Floor landing/sitting area- West wall.
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Guest Bedroom- South and West walls
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Guest Bedroom- South wall- fireplace
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Sitting Room South and West walls- Fireplace.
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Dining Room- East and North walls.