Iles School Living History program - Two musicians sitting behind music stands in 8th Street while teachers in period dress discuss event. School groups seen throughout park in background. Scaffolding for Corneau House in far background center. Looking Southwest from East side of 8th Street Iles School, living history, musicians, teachers, school groups, 8th Street, Corneau

Iles School Living History program - Two musicians sitting behind music stands in 8th Street while teachers in period dress discuss event. School groups seen throughout park in background. Scaffolding for Corneau House in far background center. Looking Southwest from East side of 8th Street Iles School, living history, musicians, teachers, school groups, 8th Street, Corneau
8th Street, Outside
May 16, 2000
Original Media:
color print
Original Scanned Image Size:
5.79 x 4.01 inches
Image ID:

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