Tree removal - Maintenance workers Joe Beeley, on backhoe, and JC Clark wait to plant replacement tree after hollow Linden tree was removed in Carrigan Lot (Block 10, Lot 7). Tree slices from removed tree on left. Conference Center in background center, Fire Station No. 1 in far background center, behind Morse House in background right. Looking Northeast from Carrigan Lot Linden, removal, replanting, staff, Conference Center, Fire Station No. 1, Morse, Carrigan

Tree removal - Maintenance workers Joe Beeley, on backhoe, and JC Clark wait to plant replacement tree after hollow Linden tree was removed in Carrigan Lot (Block 10, Lot 7). Tree slices from removed tree on left. Conference Center in background center, Fire Station No. 1 in far background center, behind Morse House in background right. Looking Northeast from Carrigan Lot Linden, removal, replanting, staff, Conference Center, Fire Station No. 1, Morse, Carrigan
Outside, Outside
May 14, 2003
Original Media:
photo negative
Original Scanned Image Size:
1.35 x 0.95 inches
Image ID:

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