Dubois School Living History program - students and teacher in period clothing prepare to perform skits on Early Springfield in front of the Miller house. A young visitor watches. Under-restoration Dubois House in background center. Shut house in far background left. Looking South west from 8th Street Dubois School, living history, students, visitor, Miller, Dubois, Shutt

Dubois School Living History program - students and teacher in period clothing prepare to perform skits on Early Springfield in front of the Miller house. A young visitor watches. Under-restoration Dubois House in background center. Shut house in far background left. Looking South west from 8th Street Dubois School, living history, students, visitor, Miller, Dubois, Shutt
Outside, Outside
May 6, 2003
Original Media:
color print
Original Scanned Image Size:
5.84 x 4.04 inches
Image ID:

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