North wall- Detail of foundation and plumbing installation Lincoln Home NHS, CRS Artifacts Move, Roll N13, exp 35 Sprigg, renovation
Location: north facing wall
North wall, North wall exterior and fire-place at West end; windows in process of being installed Lincoln Home NHS, roll N9 Corneau, Arnold Barn, Sprigg renovation, install
Sprigg House, North wall exterior and fire-place at west end; windows in process of being installed Lincoln Home NHS- Sprigg House, Roll N9 exp 14 Sprigg House, restoration
Sprigg House, Northwest corner and North and West walls, West end of Miller in background Lincoln Home NHS- Sprigg House, Roll N4 exp 24 Sprigg House, restoration
Sprigg House, detail of foundation and plumbing installation Lincoln Home NHS- Sprigg House, Roll N13 exp 35 Sprigg House, restoration, plumbing
Sprigg House, photo taken looking across West end of Corneau House lot (Sprigg House on right). North and West walls from a distance Lincoln Home NHS- Sprigg House, Roll N13 exp 15 Sprigg House, restoration
archeological investigation, north Lincoln Home NHS- Sprigg House HS-11, foundation and fence, Roll #4 exp 24A Sprigg House, archeology
NA Lincoln Home NHS- Sprigg House Restoration, class 2 slide 71, 24 Sprigg House, restoration
Sprigg House after paint Lincoln Home NHS- Sprigg House Restoration, Archives/Other Homes, 144 Sprigg House, paint
Sprigg House Lincoln Home NHS- Sprigg House Restoration, Archives/Other Homes Sprigg House