Morse House, photographer facing south west.
Location: Morse House
An exterior doorknob for the Morse House. The glass has turned purple due to the manganese dioxde content in the glass. Door and knob are in the Lincoln Home museum collection.
W wall Morse House, LIHO-NHS, Frame #16, Neg. File #12 Morse House, Interior, Renovation
termite damage Morse House, LIHO-NHS, Frame #15, Neg. File #12 Morse House, Interior, Renovation
brick piers view NE and termite damage Morse House, LIHO-NHS, Frame #14, Neg. File #12 Morse House, Interior, Renovation
brick piers view NE and termite damage Morse House, LIHO-NHS, Frame #13, Neg. File #12 Morse House, Interior, Renovation
Morse House HS-9 12-16; Room 002, West Wall, Cellar Morse House, Interior
Morse House HS-9 12-15; Room 002, Termite Damage, Cellar Morse House, Interior
Morse House HS-9 12-14; Room 002, Brick Piers/Termites View Northeast, Cellar Morse House, Interior
Morse House HS-9 12-13; Room 002, Brick Piers/Termites View Northeast, Cellar Morse House, Interior