Lincoln impersonator exiting from front door of Lincoln home. Lincoln Home NHS- Coast Guard Band Concert concert, Coast Guard
Location: Front door (outside)
Wreath on door of Lincoln Home Lincoln Home NHS- Christmas in Lincoln Neighborhood 2000, HS-01 2000-10 Christmas, decorations, neighborhood
NA slide sleeve (Lincoln Home Restoration - Master) Lincoln, Home, Restoration
NA Lincoln, Home, Restoration, scaffolding, front, door
NA Lincoln, Home, Restoration, front, door
NA Lincoln Home NHS- Christmas in Lincoln Neighborhood 1994 Christmas, decorations, neighborhood
The familiar name plate on the front door of Lincoln's Home has been left in place despite the extensive renovation project which is currently taking place on the home. Architect Vance Kaminski, Project Supervisor for the National Park Service, and Richar Lincoln, Home, restoration, front, door, name, plate
NA Lincoln, Home, Restoration, front, door
NA Lincoln, Home, Restoration, scaffolding, front door
NA Lincoln, Home, restoration, door, front