Existing conditions before major removals begin in Stuve House. Basement, Room B3, west wall, with door trim detail.
Keyword: West Wall
Existing conditions before major removals begin in Stuve House basement. Room B3, west wall, door trim detail.
Existing conditions before major removals begin in Stuve House basement. Room B3, west wall.
Existing conditions before major removals begin in Stuve House. Basement, Room B4-5-6, west wall.
Existing conditions before major removals begin in Stuve House. Basement, Room B4-5-6, west wall.
Wooden sill beam on the Lincoln Home foundation.
Stuve House, first floor, Room 102, west wall. Photographer facing west.
Stuve House, first floor, Room 102, west wall, with open door. Photographer facing west.
West wall of kitchen neg.#12, see class.#7 Lincoln, Home, kitchen, west wall