Plaster B4F8P2

Signatures located on plaster in the Lincoln Home, circa 190(?) and 1945. Location unknown.

Plaster B4F8P1

Signatures and dates located on plaster in the Lincoln Home, circa 1862. Location unknown.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B4F1P16

Sewer cap, drains, unidentified brick section, and south and west retaining wall on the south west corner of the Lincoln Home lot. The south west corner and brick column base of the Lincoln home can be seen on the right side of the photo. Photographer facing west.

Morse House Stabilization B9F11P83

Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3 Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Basement brick foundation, dirt floor, and sill. Studs and sheathing to left, with door frame to right.

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