Lincoln Home Interpretation B6F44P45

Two rangers walk toward the photographer, guiding a tour into the Lincoln Home. Group is on the brick pavilion of the Home, along the retaining wall, to the west of the front entrance. Photographer facing south.

Lincoln Home Reopening B6F41P72

A group of donors mingle on the brick plaza of the Lincoln Home during the 1988 reopening of the Lincoln Home. A single ranger stands in the background. Photographer facing south west.

Lincoln Home Reopening B6F41P69

Two rangers speak to a group of donors during the reopening of the Lincoln Home in 1988. A third ranger stands in the background. Photographer facing south west.

Lincoln Home Interpretation B6F61P150

Ranger Judith Winkelmann stands in front of the Lincoln Home, talking with three visitors. One other visitor enters the Lincoln Home to the left of the photo. Photographer facing north east.

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