NA Lincoln Home NHS- Looking for Lincoln, 206369 visitors, carriage
Keyword: Visitors
NA Lincoln Home NHS- Looking for Lincoln, 206369 visitors
NA Lincoln, home, visitors
Lincoln Home Lincoln, home, visitors
Lincoln Home front (West) elevation with visitors lining up to go inside. A ranger in ranger hat is visible in line-break on brick plaza. Another ranger with no hat is standing to the right of the open front door. Window are open on the second floor in the center and far right. A bench circles…
Lincoln Home front (West) elevation with visitors gathering in front of house listening to ranger in ranger hat on left standing in street. Other visitors visible on back porch and walking along boarwalk on south side of house. Trash barrels on corners near intersection. Fire hydrant on brick plaza near corner of house. Corneau House…
Lincoln Home front (West) elevation. Visitors crouch down in front of trash can in foreground. Corneau House on left, large house on Bugg lot on far left. Lincoln Barn in backgroudn right behind Home. Eletrical poles on far right along Jackson Street. Modern trash can on corner. Looking Northeast from 8th and Jackson Street intersection…
Lincoln Home front (West) elevation with small group of dressed-up visitors chatting in street in front of Home. Front door appears to be open, window above it is open. Flagpole in corner behind fence is visible. Rebecca Cook house visible in background right behind trash barrel and trash can on corners of 8th and Jackson…
Lincoln Home front (West) elevation with visitors entering for a tour. Windows are open and fans are visible in the upstairs center window and first floor right of the door. A tall flagpole with a US flag flying is behind the fence on the corner. Visitors are standing around in front of the Home and…
Lincoln Home west (front) elevation in official press photo. Features visitors walking past house and other visitor near a lawn chair on left. Flagpole behind picket fence in corner. Square commemorative plaques on either side of gate. DOI seal and NPS arrowhead are printed below photo on either side. Additional information IDs photo as being…