Interpretive staff member and visitors entering gate. Photographer facing north east. Pre-Restoration.
Keyword: Visitors
A man in a wheelchair waits on the Lincoln home back yard boardwalk while chatting with a Lincoln Home staff member. Visitors in the background. Photographer facing north east.
View of the Lincoln Home back yard, 1965, during the centennial of Lincoln's funeral. Photographer facing east.
Visitors, Park Ranger Judy Winkelman in costume, and Charlie Ott as Lincoln. Park ranger in background right. Gathering in front of Lincoln Home on brick paving. Photographer facing northwest.
Visitors, Park Ranger Judy Winkelman in costume, and Charlie Ott as Lincoln. Two uniformed park rangers in background right. Gathering in front of Lincoln Home on brick paving. Photographer facing northwest.
1st tour group ready to tour the Lincoln Home after the 1987-88 Restoration - June 14, 1988. Four staff members in photo, including Richard Lusardi in lower left corner. Photographer facing west, from Lincoln Home front stairs.
Elm tree removal - Pleasant Nursery staff beginning removal while City Arborist Mike Dirksen and son observe on right. Maintenance workers Bob Trenter and Vee Pollack assist the crew. Visitors start a tour of the Lincoln Home behind the equipment with Ranger. Conference Center in far background center. Photographer facing northeast from 8th and Jackson…
Elm tree replacement - Pleasant Nursery beginning removal of large elm tree. City Arborist Mike Dirksen chats with his son in red coat. Visitors listen to ranger in background left. Conference Center in far background center. Lincoln Home on right. Photographer facing north/northeast from 8th and Jackson Street intersection.
Elm tree replacement - Pleasant Nursery staff removing tree from brick plaza in front of Lincoln Home. Visitors and other nursery staff watch. Conference Center in background center. Hilton Hotel tower in background left. Looking north from 8th and Jackson Street intersection Elm tree, Lincoln Home, brick plaza, Pleasant Nursery, visitors, Conference Center, Hilton Hotel
Elm tree replacement - new tree planted, cage replace, bricks on plaza replaced. Maintenance Work Leader Vee Pollock talks to Maintenance Worker Tom Melton. Visitors start tour in background right. Dean and Lyon Houses in background center. Looking Northwest from brick plaza Elm tree, Lincoln Home, brick plaza, Dean, Lyon, visitors, staff