LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Sitting Room South and West walls- Fireplace.
Keyword: Tour
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Dining Room- East and North walls.
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Dining Room- East and South walls- looking into Kitchen, Pathways Park Guide, Kaitlin Pottier greeting guests in Kitchen.
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Back Parlor-North and East walls- Fireplace
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Front Parlor- North Wall- Fireplace.
LIHO hosts an evening tour of the Lincoln Home lit by candlelight throughout the house. This tour took place during the holiday season, so period accurte decorations are visible in most of the rooms. Front Parlor- West wall.
A group of visitors follow a NPS ranger into the Lincoln Home through the west (main) entrance. Photographer facing east.
Men walking on brick walk. Lincoln Home NHS- City Council Ollie Christmas Award Michel, tour, visit
Group walking away from Lincoln home. Lincoln Home NHS- Paul Findley and Michel VIP visit, 127 Finley, Michel, visit, tour
NA Lincoln Home NHS- Lincoln Presidential Museum Opening, Disc B 19 Lincoln Museum, tour