Bullnose roofing in the Morse House attic. Photographer facing north.
Keyword: Roof
Detail view of the bullnose roof in the Morse House attic. Photographer facing north.
Detail view of the bullnose roof in the Morse House attic. Photographer facing north.
View of some of the interior roofing supports in the Morse House attic. Photographer facing north.
Detail view of a section of the bullnose roof in the Morse House attic. Photographer facing west. A further extension of the attic can be seen in the background, along with roof supports and a chimney.
NA Lincoln, Home, Restoration, roof
Framework for Tent 14-7 Lincoln, Home, Restoration, covering, tent, roof
NA Lincoln, Home, Restoration, roof
NA Lincoln, Home, Restoration, roof
NA Lincoln, Home, Restoration, roof