Morse - restoration, modern sill beam removed. Originally located in Southeast corner of house affiliated with an enclosed porch. Came off corner seen directly behind sill-black construction paper and V-shaped cross beams is back wall of open porch. Maintenance worker Eric Turner? visible on remains of modern porch. Contractors chat on left. Conference Center visible behind Morse house in background center left. Looking West from Morse lot (Block 10, Lots 15-16) Morse, restoration, sill, porch, contractors, staff, Conference Center

Morse - restoration, modern sill beam removed. Originally located in Southeast corner of house affiliated with an enclosed porch. Came off corner seen directly behind sill-black construction paper and V-shaped cross beams is back wall of open porch. Maintenance worker Eric Turner? visible on remains of modern porch. Contractors chat on left. Conference Center visible…

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