Special award to Ranger Chet Hamilton given by Maint. staff Bob LaFrance and Supt. Al Banton for trip to and from Mid-West Regional office. Given in Supt. office in Lyon House looking West awards, staff, Lyon, humor
Keyword: Lyon
Ice Storm - 8th Street between Jackson and Capitol, Lyon House on left, Hilton Hotel in background Looking Northwest 8th, Jackson, Hilton, Ice Storm, Lyon
Home and office belonging to Dr. Albert T. Kwedar on Block 7, Lot 3 along 7th Street. Area is now Visitor Center. House on right belongs to Eugene McNally. Beedle and Lyon houses in background left. Parking lot belongs to Grace Lutheran Church. Looking East along 7th Street south of Capitol Ave. Visitor Center, parking…
Negative sheet of Interpretation staff in various locations around the park. First picture is Supt. Gentry Davis shaking hands with Historian George Painter while Chief of Ops Larry Blake looks on. Two overexposed pictures of somewhere outside also Brick background is the Visitor Center. 3 rangers are likely in Supt. office in the Lyon House.…
Lana Curuthers being named Secretary of the Day by radio station WMAY Lyon House staff, awards, Lyon
Lana Curuthers being named Secretary of the Day by radio station WMAY Lyon House staff, awards, Lyon
Lana Curuthers being named Secretary of the Day by radio station WMAY Lyon House staff, awards, Lyon
Lana Curuthers being named Secretary of the Day by radio station WMAY Lyon House staff, awards, Lyon
Lana Curuthers being named Secretary of the Day by radio station WMAY Lyon House staff, awards, Lyon
Lana Curuthers being named Secretary of the Day by radio station WMAY Lyon House staff, awards, Lyon
Lana Curuthers being named Secretary of the Day by radio station WMAY Lyon House staff, awards, Lyon
Lana Curuthers being named Secretary of the Day by radio station WMAY Lyon House staff, awards, Lyon
Lana Curuthers being named Secretary of the Day by radio station WMAY Lyon House staff, awards, Lyon
Lana Curuthers being named Secretary of the Day by radio station WMAY Lyon House staff, awards, Lyon
Supt. Al Banton in his office in the Lyon House (?) staff, Lyon (?)