Elm tree replacement - Pleasant Nursery staff removing tree while City Arborist Mike Dirksen (in green jacket behind removal equipment) oversees. Lincoln Home on right. Conference Center in background center. Photographer facing north from northeast corner of 8th and Jackson Street intersection.

Elm tree replacement - Pleasant Nursery staff removing tree while City Arborist Mike Dirksen (in green jacket behind removal equipment) oversees. Lincoln Home on right. Conference Center in background center. Photographer facing north from northeast corner of 8th and Jackson Street intersection.

Elm tree removal - Pleasant Nursery beginning removal as seen from Sitting Room in Lincoln Home. Reporters, including Doug Pokorski from the State Journal-Register, watch with City Arborist Mike Dirksen on far left. Corneau House under restoration in background left. Photographer facing southwest from Lincoln Home.

Elm tree removal - Pleasant Nursery beginning removal as seen from Sitting Room in Lincoln Home. Reporters, including Doug Pokorski from the State Journal-Register, watch with City Arborist Mike Dirksen on far left. Corneau House under restoration in background left. Photographer facing southwest from Lincoln Home.

Elm tree replacement - Maintenance workers Tom Pacha, Vee Pollock, and Charlie McCoy start to set up tree replacement by starting to remove wooden platform around tree. Brick plaza in front of Lincoln Home taped off. Arnold House in background center and Robinson House in far background right. Looking Southeast from 8th Street Elm tree, Lincoln Home, brick plaza, Arnold, Robinson, 8th Street, Jackson Street

Elm tree replacement - Maintenance workers Tom Pacha, Vee Pollock, and Charlie McCoy start to set up tree replacement by starting to remove wooden platform around tree. Brick plaza in front of Lincoln Home taped off. Arnold House in background center and Robinson House in far background right. Looking Southeast from 8th Street Elm tree,…

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