Accessibility B6F18P240

Construction of Lift to Lincoln Home PrintFile: Lincoln Home NHS - Lincoln Home, East Side Lincoln, Home, Handicap Lift, Wheelchair

Accessibility B6F18P237

Construction of Lift to Lincoln Home PrintFile: Lincoln Home NHS - Lincoln Home, East Side Lincoln, Home, Wheelchair

Accessibility B6F18P126

Lincoln Home wheelchair lift, at full height. One man in wheelchair on lift, facing away from Lincoln Home, with two other men in wheelchairs at ground level. Staff member Judith Winkelmann stands behind men at ground level. Photographer facing west.

Lincoln Home Archeology B4F42P3

Cistern and water supply/roof drain of the Lincoln Home, in the back yard. Archeologist sits on boardwalk rails, recording details of the drain. Photographer facing north.

Lincoln Home Restoration B4F6P389

Lincoln Home employee replacing or removing water line along south fence of Carrigan lot/Carrigan side of north Lincoln Home fence. Photographer facing west.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B3F26P12

Two workers building fencing along the north line of the Lincoln Home lot. Lincoln Home in background, left; Corneau house (pre-move) in the background, center-left. Photographer facing northwest.

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