View of the front (west) stairwell of the Lincoln Home. Pre-Restoration wallpaper can be seen in the stairwell, Sitting Room, and Dining Room. Note staining on original stair tread, and that the plaster has been removed from stairwell underside. Photographer facing east.
Keyword: Front
View of the landing for the front interior stairwell of the Lincoln Home. Note the pre-Restoration wallpaper, and the handrail that has been protected in place. Photographer facing east.
View of the front interior stairwell and hall of the Lincoln Home. Stair treads have been protected with felt or other covering, as has been the handrail. Parlors can be seen to the left of the photo, the Dining Room to the center rear, and the Sitting Room to the right. Photographer facing east.
Ranger and visitor viewing the bare underside of the stairwell, revealing the lathwork and the underside of the stairs. Photographer facing east.
NA neg. sleeve (367660 108B) Lincoln, Home, Restoration, front, shutter, window
NA neg. sleeve (367660 108B) Lincoln, Home, Restoration, front, shutter, window
NA neg. sleeve (367660 108B) Lincoln, Home, Restoration, front, shutter, window
NA neg. sleeve (367660 108B) Lincoln, Home, Restoration, front, shutter, window
NA neg. sleeve (367660 108B) Lincoln, Home, Restoration, front, shutter, window
NA neg. sleeve (367660 108B) Lincoln, Home, Restoration, front, shutter, window