South east entrance to the Lincoln lot, west of Carriage House. Non-historic.
Keyword: Fence
View of the south entrance to the Lincoln Home and lot. Photographer facing south east.
Interpretive staff member and visitors entering gate. Photographer facing north east. Pre-Restoration.
Back Yard Fence Installation Lincoln Home, Historical. The Carriage house can be seen to the right, with the Conference Center in the background. Photographer facing north.
Three workers painting the east retaining wall fence of the Lincoln Home during the 1987-1988 restoration. Photographer facing north east.
Close up of snow melt in the drain tile along the south retaining wall of the Lincoln Home east yard. Photographer facing south.
Lincoln Home carriage house and woodshed, with the Lincoln Home in the background. Photographer facing north west.
Lincoln Home carriage house and woodshed, with the Lincoln Home in the background. Photographer facing north west.
B2 outbuilding, as seen from Jackson and alley. Lincoln Home woodshed in foreground. Photographer facing north west.
Lincoln Home carriage house and woodshed. Photographer facing north.