Elm tree replacement - Maintenance workers Tom Pacha and Vee Pollock clean up after tree removal. City Arborist Mike Dirksen checks work on brick plaza in front of Lincoln Home. Visitors mill around on south side of Lincoln Home. Unpainted Arnold Barn in background right. Looking East from West side of 8th Street Elm tree,…
Keyword: Elm Tree
Elm tree replacement - Pleasant Nursery staff tying down tree prior to transport from Lincoln Home brick plaza. Tour group walks toward Lincoln Home and Rangers ? and ?. Superintendent Norman Hellmers steps toward grass on west side of 8th Street, reporter films tree crew. Arnold, Cook, Robinson Houses in background center and right. Looking…
Elm tree replacement - Historian Tim Townsend & IT Specialist Tim Good observe process from in front of the Dean House. Lyon House in background. Looking Northwest from 8th Street Elm tree, 8th Street, Dean, Lyon, staff
Elm tree replacement - Job completed. New tree planted, cage replaced, bricks replaced on plaza. Visitors take photos on Lincoln Home steps while Ranger ? waits to chat. Lincoln Library in background left. Hilton Hotel tower in far background. Conference Center in background right. Looking North from brick plaza Elm tree, Lincoln Home, brick plaza,…
Elm tree replacement - Media Coverage in front of Lincoln Home. Superintendent Norman Hellmers chats with LE ranger Pete Swisher while reports talk to nursery staff. Maintenance Worker Vee Pollock and rangers watch with visitors on right near Arnold House. Unpainted Arnold Barn on right. Lincoln Home and Lincoln Barn on left. Looking East from…
Elm tree replacement - Pleasant Nursery staff finishing tying down tree while Maintenance Work Leader Vee Pollock starting to fill in hole. Visitors take pictures in background right. Arnold and Robinson House visible in background center. Unpainted Arnold Barn in background left. Looking South/Southeast from West side of 8th Street Elm tree, Lincoln Home, Arnold…
Elm tree replacement - replacement trees from Morton Arboretum for use around the park. Temporarily planted in Corneau backyard (Block 6, Lot 16). Dubois House in background left. Maintenance sheds in background center and right Looking South from Corneau lot Elm tree, Corneau, Dubois, Maintenance shed, Morton Arboretum
Elm tree replacement - Replacement trees from Morton Arboretum for use around park. Temporary planted in Corneau backyard (Block 6, Lot 16). Dubois and Shutt Houses in background left. Maintenance Shed behind fence in background right. Looking south from Corneau backyard Elm tree, Corneau, Dubois, Shutt, Maintenance shed, Morton Arboretum
Elm tree replacement - replacement trees from Morton Arboretum for locations around park, temporary planted in Corneau backyard (Block 6, Lot 16). Sprigg House in background left, Miller and Dubois Houses in background center. Maintenance shed behind fence on right. Looking Southeast from near alley Elm tree, Corneau, Sprigg, Miller, Dubois, Maintenance Shed, Morton Arboretum
Lincoln Home in winter, snow scattered throughout. Cleared brick plaza in front, elm tree in cage on plaza. Corneau House on left. Cleared boardwalk along side of hosue. Lincoln Barn in bacground right Looking East from 8th and Jackson Street intersection snow, Lincoln Home, Corneau, Lincoln Barn, 8th Street, Jackson Street, brick plaza, elm tree