Accessibility B6F18P19

View of the Lincoln Home wheelchair lift, fully retracted without rails. Snow on ground. Photographer facing north.

Accessibility B6F18P9

View of the Lincoln Home wheelchair lift, fully retracted without rails. Visitor on wheel chair present on lift, facing west. Photographer facing north.

Accessibility B6F18P105

A man in a wheelchair exiting the Lincoln Home wheelchair lift. A staff member is seen walking on the Lincoln Home east porch. Photographer facing south west.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B6F43P26

Superintendent Gentry Davis and LIHO Historian George Painter near the Lincoln Home pantry giving a tour to a VIP group after the Restoration of the Lincoln Home. The Corneau House appears in the background. Photographer facing north west.

Lincoln Home Restoration 1987-88 B6F43P22

Superintendent Gentry Davis and LIHO Historian George Painter near the Lincoln Home pantry giving a tour to a VIP group after the Restoration of the Lincoln Home. The Corneau House appears in the background. Photographer facing north west.

Archeology B4F8P26

Lincoln Home ground water well, located under east porch of the Lincoln Home. This well was rendered inoperable when the east section of the home was moved south 6' in 1846. Photographer facing south.

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