Doors B4F6P171

Close-up of doorknob and deadbolt on inside face of door. Possibly for Lincoln Home kitchen to south porch.

Doors B7F1P90

A close up view of the doorknob and door bell pull on the front (west) door of the Lincoln Home, pre-1955 State of Illinois restoration. Photographer facing east.

Doors B9F12P185

An exterior doorknob for the Morse House. The glass has turned purple due to the manganese dioxde content in the glass. Door and knob are in the Lincoln Home museum collection.

Morse House Stabilization B9F11P86

Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Brick stair leading into house. Porch header with void in background. Door frame in far left of picture. Hole in foundation, with conduit, in foreground.

Morse House Stabilization B9F11P85

Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Brick stair leading into house. Porch sill with void to right of picture. Door frame, with foundation header, in left and middle of picture. Hole in foundation, with conduit, in foreground.

Morse House Stabilization B9F11P83

Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3 Morse House HS-9 Test Site #3. Basement brick foundation, dirt floor, and sill. Studs and sheathing to left, with door frame to right.

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