Bottom of Marble Top Pier Table #1114 #1267 Decanter w/ stopper; #288 shell; #1277 Decanter w/ stopper Lincoln, Home, Front, Parlor, decanter, shell
Keyword: Decanter
NA 4th: #1256, 1257 Epergne; #1216 bust of Napoleon, Bottom: #286,287,290 shells; #1288,1236 decanters Lincoln, Home, Front, Parlor, shelves, glassware, decorations, epergne, decanter, shell
NA Top: #1274,1260 2nd: #696,135,136 3rd: #1217,1226,153,1268 Lincoln, Home, Front, Parlor, shelves, glassware, decorations, decanter, vase, sheep, figurine