Crowd of visitors outside Arnold house and along the walk. Lincoln Home NHS- Halloween halloween, costumes, decorations
Keyword: Costumes
Little girl dressed in costume holding bag (ourside VC) Lincoln Home NHS- Halloween halloween, costumes, decorations
Looking north up Eighth street at visitors. Lincoln Home NHS- Halloween halloween, costumes, decorations
Two children in costume outside VC. Lincoln Home NHS- Halloween halloween, costumes, decorations
Two yound ladies in renaisance dress in front of the Dubois house.. Lincoln Home NHS- Halloween halloween, costumes, decorations
Kids in costume in front of the Shutt house. Lincoln Home NHS- Halloween halloween, costumes, decorations
Group picture in VC of those in costume. Lincoln Home NHS- Halloween halloween, costumes, decorations
Little girl in costume in front of bales of straw. Lincoln Home NHS- Halloween halloween, costumes, decorations
NA Interpretation, Costumes
NA Interpretation, Costumes