Lincoln Home Dedication 1988 B6F3P7

1st visitors to restored Lincoln Home, including a small group of Russian educators - June 14, 1988 Lincoln Home Rededication. Photographer facing south east.

Interpretation B6F19P173

Three rangers, with fourth in background, assist a visitor using a wheelchair in front of the Lincoln Home. Cook house in background left, with pre-restoration Sprigg in background, right. Photographer facing south.

Interpretation B6F19P133

Two rangers assist a visitor in a wheelchair, as a news crew looks on. Third ranger with group in the background. Cook house in background, center. Photographer facing south east.

Lincoln Home Restoration B4F41P125

Bricklayer setting the bricks for the plaza in front (west) of the Lincoln Home during the 1987-88 Restoration. Retaining wall in near background. Pre-move Arnold House in middle background; Cook House in right background. Photographer facing south east.

Lincoln Home Interpretation B6F44P197

A ranger speaks to a small group of visitors on the brick plaza of the Lincoln Home. The Cook House can be seen in the background. Winter view. Photographer facing south east.

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