Conference Center addition - elevator shaft construction on second floor. Closet on right, open alcove on left Looking Southeast from lobby area Conference Center, elevator, construction
Keyword: Construction
Dubois House restoration - ceiling joists into attic (Room 201). Original studs and framing seen throughout Looking East from Room 201 Dubois, joists, original, construction, framing, ceiling
Dubois House restoration - cut in original wall stud to straighten wall (Room 101) Looking South from Room 101 Dubois, stud, original, construction, repairs
Dubois House Lincoln Home NHS- Dubois House, 7 Dubois House, construction
East room, NE corner. North and East windows visible, in process of being installed Lincoln Home NHS, roll N9 Corneau, Arnold Barn, Sprigg renovation, construction
North Hallway, North wall and window being installed. Lincoln Home NHS, roll N9 Corneau, Arnold Barn, Sprigg, North Hallway and window renovation, construction
North Hallway, North wall and window being installed. At center/bottom of photo is stair case leading to basement Lincoln Home NHS, roll N9 Corneau, Arnold Barn, Sprigg, North Hallway and window renovation, construction
NA Lincoln, Home, restoration, street, construction
removal of plaster casting from livingroom ceiling Robinson House, HS 10 LIHO, 27, 12 Robinson House, interior, construction
removal of plaster casting from livingroom ceiling Robinson House, HS 10 LIHO, 9, 11 Robinson House, interior, construction