Lady, speaker at podium, man with back to camera. 3-1997 Colloq (color); 18 Colloquium, 1997
Keyword: Colloquium
Two men and a lady seated reading. 1-1997 Colloq (color); 8 Colloquium, 1997
Two men seated, talking. 1-1997 Colloq (color); 7 Colloquium, 1997
Guests - Holzer and Williams (speakers) 1-1997 Colloq (color); 6 Colloquium, 1997
Dylan Baur and Lincoln Legals Associate seated in top row. 1-1997 Colloq (color); 5 Colloquium, 1997
Dylan Baur and Lincoln Legals Associate seated in top row. 1-1997 Colloq (color); 5 Colloquium, 1997
VC main info desk with LIHO staff (interps) and guests 2-1997 Colloq (color); 11 Colloquium, 1997
Guests and staff in VC 2-1997 Colloq (color); 10 Colloquium, 1997
Guests and staff in VC 2-1997 Colloq (color); 9 Colloquium, 1997
Refreshments table and guests @ Sunday, post-Colloq. 1997 lecture and tour 2-1997 Colloq (color); 8 Colloquium, 1997
Refreshments table and guests @ Sunday, post-Colloq. 1997 lecture and tour 2-1997 Colloq (color); 7 Colloquium, 1997