Beedle lot: new boardwalks under construction. Photos taken looking East-Northeast Lincoln Home NHS, CRS Artifacts Move, Roll N13, exp 24 Beedle, Lyons, boardwalk
Keyword: Beedle
Lyon lot: New boardwalk under construction, photos taken looking East-Northeast (West end of lots) Lincoln Home NHS, CRS Artifacts Move, Roll N13, exp 23 Beedle, Lyons, boardwalk
Lyon lot: New boardwalk under construction, photos taken looking East-Northeast (West end of lots) Lincoln Home NHS, CRS Artifacts Move, Roll N13, exp 22 Beedle, Lyons, boardwalk
New boardwalk under construction, photos taken looking East-Northeast (West end of lots) Lincoln Home NHS, CRS Artifacts Move, Roll N13, exp 21 Beedle, Lyons, boardwalk
Parking lots - Bus parking lot, Grace Lutheran Church on left, Beedle House in background looking East bus, parking lot, Grace Lutheran Church, Beedle
Parking lots - Bus lot, Grace Lutheran Church on left, Beedle House in background looking East Bus, Parking Lot, Grace Lutheran Church, Beedle
House owned by Dorothea Lennox used for apartments, Block 7, Lots 16 & 15, along Capitol Ave. Second house owned by Dorothea Lennox in background center. House owned by Bernard Bowman left of center. Beedle House at far left. Area is now empty Walters lot. Looking Northwest from 8th Street Lennox, Bowman, Beedle, Capitol Ave.…
House owned by Bernard W. Bowman in use as apartments, Block 7, Lots 16 & 17 facing Capitol Ave. Beedle house is at far right in front of station wagon. Area is now empty Walters lot. Looking Northeast from alley Bowman, Beedle, Capitol Ave., Walters lot
House owned by Bernard W. Bowman in use as apartments, Block 7, Lots 16 & 15 along Capitol Ave. The Beedle house (with overhang) and Dean House (with air conditioner in window) are in background right. Area is now empty Walters lot Looking Southeast from Capitol Ave. Bowman, Capitol Ave, Walters lot, Beedle, Dean
Home and office belonging to Dr. Albert T. Kwedar on Block 7, Lot 3 along 7th Street. Area is now Visitor Center. House on right belongs to Eugene McNally. Beedle and Lyon houses in background left. Parking lot belongs to Grace Lutheran Church. Looking East along 7th Street south of Capitol Ave. Visitor Center, parking…